3v3 Spring League
Spring 3v3 is back!
All information regarding 3v3 is listed below. If you have any further questions, please reach out to us via email (five7grow@gmail.com)
3v3 will run from March 3rd - March 26th on Mondays & Wednesdays!
CHAMPIONSHIP SUNDAY (Top 4 Teams) - March 30th
Mite (White): 5:00-6:00pm
Mite (Red): 6:15-7:15pm
Squirts: 7:30-8:30pm
Age Groups
Mite (WHITE)
Mite (RED)
Skater - $200
Goalie - $100
All games will be played at the La Crescent Community Ice Arena
520 S 14th St
La Crescent, MN 55947
United States
Game Details
Your team will have 3 games each day you are scheduled to play.
- 3 games each day
- 17 minute run time
- Mite White = Cross ice
- Mite Red = Half ice
- Squirts = Half ice
Each age group will play the same total number of games. Your team will have two bye weeks. Please reference the calendar to see your bye weeks.
League Schedules
Frequently Asked Questions
How early do I need to arrive before each game?
30 minutes prior to game time.
Do I play every Monday & Wednesday?
No, you will only play on the days you are scheduled. See calendar for reference.
Can I request to be on another players team?
Yes. At checkout, you will have the opportunity to request to play with another skater.
What if I can't make it to a game?
If you are unable to make a game please let us know via email as soon as possible. This will allow us time to find a substitute.
Are goalies on a specific team?
No. Goalies will not be on a specific team. Each day the teams will switch at random due to schedule. Each goalie will have the opportunity to play for every team. We will only have 5 goalies per age group.
2025 Spring 3v3 League
Dates: March 3rd - 26th (MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS)
Championship Sunday - March 30th
Ages: Mite White/Red & Squirts